The Perfect Oat Nut Slice

The Perfect Oat Nut Slice

Whether you are a new Mum, hard at work or have been sweating it out in the gym, when hunger strikes it can come on hard and fast. If you don't have a stash of healthy, at-the-ready snacks in your fridge or pantry it is likely that your food choices could not be aligned to your health and fitness goals. Having become a mum for the first time five months ago this oat-nut slice has been a saviour for me, particularly during the nights of multiple feeds and early mornings that left me in a very 'hangry' state. This snack is perfect for all but particularly if you are a breastfeeding Mumma who is wanting to fuel your bub with adequate nutrients as well as assist you on your post natal recovery. Packed full of foods that contain lactogenic properties - meaning they can assist in boosting and maintaining milk supply as well as being rich in omega 3 & 6 fatty acids (pertinent in the development of your little ones brain). Whilst breastfeeding you cannot change the amount of fat in your breastmilk, you can however influence the fatty acid content of your breastmilk. This means that if you are consuming plenty of avocado, olive oil, eggs or nuts your milk will be higher in healthful fats that will benefit your bub much more effectively than if it was higher in saturated fats from sources such as deep fried or processed foods. I should also through in there that it provides a great source of fibre, vitamin E and refined sugar free. WHAT YOU NEED:
  • 3/4 cup nuts (walnuts, cashews, macadamias – you choose)
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1 tbsp flaxeeds
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cranberries
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 85g rice malt syrup
  • Pre heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius
  • Roughly chop the nuts and place on a baking try lined with baking paper
  • Place nuts in oven and lightly roast for 6-8 minutes
  • Once the nuts have done their time in the oven, combine all other ingredients into one bowl - nuts and all.
  • Stir the mixture together until it starts to combine and start to stick when mixed
  • Place this mixture into a baking tray, pressing the mix firmly into the tray so that it is nice and compact
  • Place the tray into the oven for a further 10 minutes
  • Once the 10 minutes is up place the baking tray in the freezer and leave to set for at least one hour
  • Once set, remove the mix from the freezer and chop into the desired size pieces, I like bite size ones for easy snack options and portion control (nuts are full of energy so you don't want to over indulge in this snack), but you could always cut into muesli bar slice pieces also.
  • Once chopped up, keep in fridge for a cool & convenient snack
It is super easy to make so if your baking skills or time is limited fear not - you will be able to master this recipe! Keep in the fridge or freezer and reach for this when hunger strikes to assist in maintaining your milk supply and fuelling your little ones brain development! Brooke x
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