Chocolate Protein Cheesecake

Chocolate Protein Cheesecake

Chocolate Protein Cheesecake. They’re three words I don’t think I could ever get sick of. Sugar spikes and love handles however; I can definitely get sick of that. A little insight into my life at the moment. I’m currently trying to eat at a ‘kilojoule/calorie deficit’ so basically I’m trying to eat less than food than my body is burning. It’s hard. It’s really really hard, especially when you have a genuine obsession with food. My saviour is making my favourite traditional desserts by simply swapping out and adding in different ingredients. Stevia is so brilliant for lowering the energy content of typical desserts and it's so easy to use! There's no need to change any amounts, you just swap out normal refined sugar for stevia and voila. I have used biscuits that are 'sugar-free' but they're artificially sweetened, if you're not into that feel free to use normal biscuits or... make your own sugar free biscuits with stevia if you're really up for a challenge. Double the recipe for a large full size cake version, perfect for any special occasions. They won’t even realise they’re getting a sugar-free based, protein packed, naturally sweetened version of their favourite cheesecake! I decided to top it with extra chocolate, but obviously you can top it with anything you like! Be creative, think mixed berries, chopped up protein bars, banana - let your imagination run wild and get some chocolate protein cheesecake in your gob!




Biscuit layer • 4 Sugar free choc-chip cookies (I used Gullón, available at Woolworths AUS) • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted • 1 tsp cacao or cocoa powder Cheese Layer • 125g light Philadelphia cream cheese • 1/4 cup cottage cheese • 1 scoop Maxine’s chocolate protein powder • 1 tbsp Natvia sweetener • 3 tbsp cacao or cocoa powder • 1/2 tsp gelatin powder • 2 tbsp boiling water Chocolate swirl • 2 squares lindt 70% dark chocolate Optional toppings • extra chocolate • extra cookie crumbled • (Candy cane for christmas, Easter eggs for Easter etc) • Freeze dried berries, fresh fruit


  1. Add cookies, coconut oil and cacao/cocoa to a food processor or blender and process on high until a crumble forms. Push mixture into the bottom of small springform cake pan, then place in the fridge while making the cheesecake mixture
  2. Using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and cottage cheese until smooth. Reduce the mixer speed to low and gradually add protein powder, Natvia and cacao/cocoa powder. Increase speed and mix until well combined and smooth
  3. Add gelatine to a small cup or bowl, add approximately 2-3 tbsp of boiling water and stir until dissolved. Once dissolved, add too the cheesecake mixture and whisk until combined
  4. Add chocolate to a microwave proof bowl and melt in the microwave for 1 minute, then 30 second intervals until smooth. Alternatively, melt in a glass bowl over a double boiler
  5. Pour the cheesecake mixture over the cookie layer, then pour small teaspoons of melted chocolate then make a swirl pattern with a metal skewer. Place in the fridge for 2-3 hours or until the mixture is set
  6. Once set, decorate how you like!
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